My Favorite Nootropics To Consider When Building Your Own Stack

Nootropic drugs are pharmaceuticals that can help improve your cognitive function. There are several prescription options, but some people prefer to avoid potential side effects of medication in favor of a variety of natural supplements that can offer many of the same benefits. Before you continue reading make sure to check out my #1 recommended pre-built supplement stack, Optimind.

1. Ginkgo Biloba

This herb has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine. Mayo Clinic studies have shown promising results in using ginkgo biloba for reducing anxiety and stress while improving cognitive function and memory.

2. Bacopa Monnieri

This extract from the Brahmi plant has been tested as a supplement to traditional Alzheimer’s disease treatment and to relieve anxiety. In fact, some studies show that bacopa may help reduce insomnia, anxiety, and problems concentrating, and may potentially improve hand-eye coordination and memory.

3. Lion’s Mane Mushroom

This mushroom can be consumed in supplement form or found in natural or gourmet food stores. Clinical studies have shown that Lion’s Mane can boost cognitive function, reduce depression, and lessen anxiety.

4. L-Theanine

L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea, which can reduce anxiety, boost energy, and reduce neurodegeneration. It also works well with caffeine. Many people take L-theanine and caffeine together for the reputed benefits of enhanced cognition and improved ability to focus, without feeling the typical symptoms normally associated with taking a lot of caffeine.

5. Artichoke Extract

Taken from artichoke leaves, this supplement provides neural antioxidant properties, and many users believe that it enhances memory.  It’s also often taken with forskolin for increased benefit.

6. Forskolin

Forskolin is a compound derived from a perennial plant found in Burma, India, and Thailand. It increases the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels in your brain cells, boosting intracellular communication. It also increases blood flow to the brain, getting more oxygen and nutrients into the brain cells. Together with artichoke extract, it can increase cognitive function, boost alertness and improve long-term memory.

7. Tryptophan

The amino acid famously (and mistakenly) known as the thing that makes us sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner, Tryptophan is a supplement that can help reduce depression by boosting serotonin in the brain. It can also reduce memory deficits, according to one study.

8. Huperzine-A

Although there is some laboratory processing required to produce huperzine-A supplements, it is primarily considered a natural nootropic. Due to having few to no side effects and not being toxic, many prefer to take this supplement over pharmaceutical options. It can significantly improve memory for patients with vascular dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, and improve cognitive function. It’s a common ingredient in ADHD combination supplements today.

9. CBD

CBD contains cannabidiols that can slow the damage caused by Alzheimer’s disease, and possibly even prevent it. It shows very protective effects for the brain from the effects of depression, dementia, and other forms of neurodegeneration.

It’s important to do your own research before choosing a combination or “stacked” nootropic supplement. Some combination supplements do not contain enough of a particular nootropic to provide enough benefits. But by taking advantage of these natural nootropics, you may have your most functional brain ever.